The Land Question

Dickson Jere

The Land Question
By Dickson Jere

Eight years ago, I represented a poor widow whose 20 acres farmland in Lusaka West was indiscriminately shared by thugs carrying themselves out as party functionaries. We took the matter to court and they didn’t bother to show up during the hearing, which culminated in Judgment in her favour. I was happy for speedy Justice we got from the High Court and looked forward to seeing this woman reclaim her only property she had.

Despite the clear Court Order directing Zambia Police to move in and evict the squatters, nothing was done. Trice the Court issued contempt proceedings against the thugs but to no avail. They refused to attend Court and Police did absolutely nothing.

“This is worrying especially that Court Orders are being ignored and the Police have done nothing at all,” the High Court Judge said.

He advised us to find a political solution in view of his “hands being tied” beyond giving Court Orders and Judgement. That is how my poor client lost that beautiful piece of land. Interestingly, I am told that the people who forcibly took the land have now title deeds to the same piece of land. Shocking to say the least! It looks like a well structured arrangement involving even the Ministry of Lands itself.

In 2010, my little farmland in Lilayi was overrun by thugs under the guise of political party functionaries. My neighbors too suffered the same fate until President Rupiah Banda summoned meeting of all Defence and Security Chiefs to deal with these thugs across the country (I have written detailed account in this in my book). They invaded my land even when I was working in State House. They have no fear whatsoever!

“If they can do it to my own aide, what about ordinary people,” President Banda angrily said when he addressed the security chiefs.

The land invasion appears to involve same people and same names but in different political setups. In UNIP, it was not very much pronounced but it grew a little bit in the MMD and blossomed under PF. It is now running smoothly under the UPND. The strategy is the same – just use the name of the party and escape responsibility.

And so, when you have a brave Minister like Sylvia Masebo trying to nip the problem in the bud, she needs our support. She has at least shown some braveness of trying to resolve the protracted land question, which most politicians avoided. The scheme can be violent. The people involved are well organized. One can even risks own life. But it must be dealt with once and for all.

The monster is growing and very soon we will all be affected if left unattended to. I like the braveness of Masebo on this matter – she has taken the bull by the horns. She is very brave – I repeat. The network and people involved very is big and scary!
I support her!
We need to protect land rights for all in Zambia.