Trending alleged Vicky Malo Video


Netizens are currently in search of a video by Vicky Malo. The video was leaked online accidentally by the said woman in company of her friend when they went live on Facebook.

She is well know to many Zambians because she once dated Shenky and she aslo trended when she advised women on a certain issue.

She has currently unpublished her Facebook page where she went Live and we managed to get hold of the video and for those of you who want to see the video you can download it below.

Source: Zed Scoop


Meanwhile Vicky Malo has issued a statement below;



Lusaka, 29th December, 2021

It has come to my attention that a video of a nude woman purported to be myself filmed from an unknown beauty parlour undergoing what I have been informed is called ‘Brazillian wax’ or whatever it is called is currently making rounds and trending on social media.

From the onset, I wish to distance myself from such a video as I have no direct or indirect link to the activity in question and neither would I stoop so low to deliberately embarrass myself on social media.

Following my recent marital issues, I made a decision to keep myself away from social media which includes Facebook. However, since yesterday, I have received numerous queries over my involvement with the said video which I categorically distance myself.

I wish to advise members of the public and my fans to ignore the video suggesting that I am the one involved in the act as any individual who genuinely knows me can tell that the body of the woman in question cannot be compared to mine.

I am a clean woman, and still believe in the decency of womanhood, by divine Providence or creation, I happen to have no body spots and neither do I have tattoos unlike the video brought to my attention.

Therefore, I urge the public to continue holding me in high esteem as I have respect for both my body and my children for whom I am working hard for at the moment.

I thank you all for showing concern following the video that seeks to bring my name and reputation into ridicule by what may only be enemies disguising themselves as friends.

Lastly, I wish to advise all well meaning Zambians to avoid PREJUDCIAL statements all because people are coming from broken marriages. It is not true that everyone divorced resorts to prostitution. Instead of wishing evil upon us, please pray for us.

N.B. Kindly do a proper examination of the hands of the lady purported to be me,since we love gossip in Zambia. Further go through any of my pictures and see my hands to compare with those in the video.

Those that really know me will agree that the lady and I my self are two different people of mistaken identity. And to the ladies in the video who stood by during the procedure, just know that as friends you are snakes and soon what you have planted, you will reap.

Thank God the Truth always wins. Recently it was a fake video of a known female artists. Don’t We Get Tired?

Yours, Truly
Victoria ‘Vicky Malo’ Khumalo