U.S. Embassy Awards Over K3 Million to Zambian Community Organizations


Today, the U.S. government announced the awarding of grants totaling over K3 million ($181,895) to nine Zambian community-based organizations through its Public Affairs Section small grants program. The grants will promote good governance, support the arts through filmmaking, build entrepreneurship skills, and help preserve an important cultural site.

The U.S. Embassy recognizes the commitment and leadership of the grantee organizations, which are working in a wide range of areas to strengthen their communities. Grantees include the Continental Leadership Research Institute, which will strengthen good governance and promote human rights in rural communities, and the National Heritage Conservation Commission, which will build site management and tourism infrastructure at Mwela Rock Art National Monument.

The American people are proud to support Zambian communities with hands-on opportunities to make a positive difference and expand their organizational and project management knowledge.
The U.S. Embassy delivers financial support directly to Zambian organizations that seek to improve the welfare of Zambians and address issues affecting their communities. These include improving health and providing educational opportunities, advancing democracy and good governance, promoting inclusive economic prosperity, and enhancing peace and security.

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