University of Zambia protest continues as workers say they will not be intimidated


By Francis Chipalo

As indicated last week that unless government responds to their demands, staff at the University of Zambia (UNZA) have continued with their protests demanding to be paid dues owed to them.
And the employees have stated that they will not be intimidated by anyone for simply demanding for their money.

The protesting workers are from University of Zambia Allied Workers Union (UNZAAWU), University of Zambia Lecturers and Researchers’ Union (UNZALARU), and University of Zambia Professional Staff Union (UNZAPROSU).

They have been demanding that government begins dismantling the over K1.5 billion owed to them which has been dragging for the past 9 years.

Addressing union members this morning at the graduation square, UNZAPROSU president Likezo Pumulo says instead of using intimidating techniques to silence the aggrieved workers, government should provide a clear road map in addressing the matter.

As school resumed today, staff have clearly indicated that they will continue protesting without any form of inditimidation.

On Friday last week armed officers purportedly from Special Division Duties at Cabinet office stormed the UNZALARU secretariat, an incident union leaders described as a threat to their Ives.

Union leaders were by press time set to be in a meeting with management at the institution as their members remained at the graduation square.

No lessons are currently taking place at UNZA.

– Lusaka Radio