Video: Mutale Mwanza and Easter Chungu’s fight on screen has Zambia divided


Chanda John Chimba wrote;

If one decides to leave a decent life it doesn’t mean they are spokesperson of the Christian community. How you leave your life is totally upto you.

Mrs Pompi is a straight forward woman, she’s not more holly than others but she’s a decent woman, straight forward woman and a woman who loves God. The other woman is a bend woman, who went through a bad divorce, turned into a marriage breaker, went into depression, came out of it, has no stable relationship, lives a plastic life, claims to have been girlfriend of the former( which is not true) terrorized former PF ministers houses, black mailed them and so on.

My advise to Mrs pompi is she must leave that show, the other chick has nothing to lose, being stupid is part of her life.