VJeezy invited to perform in Cyprus


Zambia’s superstar dj Vjeezy has been invited to perform in Cyprus along side top African music stars Zed Gossip has learnt.

Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean.

Some of the African stars he will perform with include Nasty C & Boity from Sourh Africa, Duncan Mighty from Nigeria Major Leagues and other international DJs and musicians.

Vjeezy, is among a few humble DJs in Zambia who has managed to work with different international musicians.

He expresses happiness for being invited to perform in Cyprus stating that he is going to represent Zambia and has urged the nation to support and rally behind him.

“I feel this is huge because to be selected to headline along side these big names and to be able to represent Zambia out there means slowly our industry is growing a lot and eventually we will have a big spot . I will represent Zambia to the fullest and fly our flag high” he said.

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Zed Gossip, created in 2013 is a digital social network platform dedicated to Zambians to showcase their latest news, culture, lifestyle, classifieds, music and politics. The platform also aims at promoting both local and international content. www.zedgossip.net zedgossip@gmail.com