“When I left radio people I thought were friends disappeared” says DJ Len


Former Radio Phoenix presenter Lennon Shinde best known as DJ Len has shared an emotional piece on how certain people will love you for your fame.

He says when he left the media most of the peoy he thought were his friends stopped calling him.

He posted on Facebook below;
In 2006 I joined one of Zambia’s biggest commercial radio stations, #PhoenixFm which catapulted me into mainstream media as i worked there as an On Air presenter and producer. I hosted prime time shows from PM drive time shows to morning breakfast shows till the time I decided to hang up the boots as change is inevitable. My experience working in the media exposed me and taught me a lot. It also shaped my life significantly. I travelled, I attended almost every happening event, I interviewed and mingled with people from all walks of life from all around the world. From celebrities, politicians, technocrats, athletes to everyday people to mentioned but a few. I showcased my craft at top shows like #BigBrotherAfrica, #MTVAfricamusicawards, I did live broadcast shows from the shores of the Indian Ocean etc and that’s besides my acting career where I am still very active to date and now producing my first TV series.

While I was at Radio Phoenix, I hosted flagship shows like #Letthepeopletalk where I was lucky to be tutored by the likes of the great late #ErrolHickey mhsriep, #FrankMutubila, #SamSakala and sir #KennethMaduma. On this program I interacted and interviewed people from all walks of life. I interviewed people like the late #MichaelChilufyaSata Zambia’s 5th republican president mhsriep, the late #RupiahBanda Zambia’s 4th republican president mhsriep, Dr #NeversMumba, former vice president of Zambia, #EdgarChagwaLungu former Zambian president and the current republican president HE #HakaindeHichilema.

I helped to catapult so many young politicians into mainstream politics. Same thing with entertainers, musicians or celebrities or whatever you want to call them. When I was hosting shows like the Local Rhythms countdown and many other shows, these people would be waiting in ques outside the studio just to have a word or to see me in the hopes of being promoted or have there music played. As you would imagine, I had friends from all walks of life, well atleast I thought I did. And all this while I gave myself selflessly. Some of the people I have worked with would attest to that.

In 2020, God blessed me in ways I never thought possible and had to quit media for a while to focus on other these blessings. I also just needed a break especially after spending so many years in the media. And like they say, it’s better to leave the stage while people are clapping. I resigned when I was still hosting prime time shows.

Like with families when a father dies, it’s like his family dies as well. That’s what happened when i decided to leave the spotlight or media in 2020.

The friends I thought I had disappeared. People I helped stopped calling and stopped picking my calls because they thought they could not feed off me. But many times when i called I was actually calling to offer them more opportunities as I continued to work in the background in media. I for one has been a person that respects myself and will not go begging from anyone. I always would rather be the one to give than to receive.

This has actually turned out to be the best thing that has happened because now I can see clearly. I now know better. I now have little to no friends and I am grateful and loving it. It’s stress free and I have no Leeches trying to feed off me at every opportunity they get.

Fast forward, will I get back into mainstream media? Yes, my own Radio or TV station? Maybe! media house? I am already producing my first TV series under #Lengreenmedia, there are endless possibilities.

Lessons from my journey, I know people better now.