Witchdoctor refuses to work on three junkies


By Wamui Nyumbu

A well known witchdoctor in Mongu has refused to work on the three affected junkies (thieves).

They were taken there by their parents and upon reaching the yard, the witch doctor come to stop them from entering his premises and shouted at them. Please just go back and deal with the person you have offended, I can’t stand these things. I don’t want to die.

He refused and chased them away. Their stomachs keeps on increasing big and they are looking like a pregnant woman.

One of them was heard saying , Mba yaka ya teta ibata ku pazuha, mawe na Shwa (My stomach is about to burst, I’m dying).

So far , the family members are trying to resolve things with the big man in Lukulu so that he can spare their children. As for now, it’s reported that he has switched off his phone.

Barotseland Broadcasting Network