Bubala Muyovwe Mumba

As the Minister of Finance prepares to present the national budget on September 27, 2024, the Zambia NGO WASH Forum, has urged the Government to significantly increase the budget allocation to the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector for the year 2025.

Forum Coordinator Bubala Muyovwe Mumba said the WASH sector is critical to Zambia’s public health, socio-economic development, and environmental sustainability.

She said despite its importance, the sector has faced declining budget allocations in recent years, which has hindered progress towards achieving universal access to safe water and sanitation.

Ms Mumba observed that the sector has over the last 5 years only been allocated less than two percent of the national budget.

She stated that in nominal terms, allocations have averaged less than Two Billion Kwacha.

Ms Mumba said the nation’s Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) WASH costs are however, estimated at an annual average of over Three Billion Kwacha.

The NGO WASH Forum calls for a substantial increase in the WASH budget to address the pressing needs of the sector.

Ms Mumba stated that this includes funding for the construction and rehabilitation of water supply systems, sanitation facilities, and hygiene promotion programs.

She emphasizes the need for dedicated funding to fully implement the Multi-sectoral Cholera Elimination Plan.

The Forum’s National Coordinator stated that the plan requires a minimum of US$19.87 million over the next five years to eradicate cholera by 2030.

Meanwhile, Ms Mumba said it is crucial to invest in sustainable water management practices and infrastructure that can withstand climate-related challenges with climate change impacting water resources especially following the current drought.

She said the Forum will continue advocating for inclusive WASH programs that address the needs of women, children, and marginalized communities.

Ms Mumba stresses that ensuring equitable access to WASH services is essential for social inclusion and gender equality.

She reiterates that investing in WASH is vital for public health, sustainable development, and economic growth, which also yields significant economic benefits.

She said the investment is vital for public health, sustainable development, and economic growth

Ms. Mumba stressed the economic benefits of investing in WASH, stating that “every K25 invested in long-term WASH improvements results in K700 savings on healthcare and other government resources.”

“The Zambia NGO WASH Forum strongly urges the government to prioritize the WASH sector in the 2025 national budget. Adequate funding is essential to ensure that all Zambians have access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services. This investment is not only a matter of public health but also a crucial step towards achieving sustainable development and economic growth,” she said.