Zambian slay queens “balanunka” says Chellah Tukuta

Chellah Tukuta

Award winning Zambian photographer Chellah Tukuta, has gone ballistic on some slay queens in the country saying that they stink and don’t know how to bath.

Tukuta who, was spotted at some fancy eating place on the copperbelt over the weekend was heard telling a friend that most Zambian slay queens “Balanunka” stink because they have no more and never had the chance to date a guy who is filthy rich like him.

He wondered why slay queens cant copy style from some top true African women who have kept their natural beauty and all. He also bragged about the artists he mingles with saying him he has class and cant dare entertain cheap slay queens in Zambia. Chellah is best known to flood social media with images of top African celebrities who he rubs shoulders with.