ZESCO initiates another claw back of power exports


ZESCO says it has initiated another claw back of power exports to mitigate the power deficit.

And, ZESCO says some of its customers particularly those in Lusaka, have experienced extended power rationing of about 20 hours, as the Corporation has had to institute emergency load management to achieve network stability.

ZESCO Spokesperson, MATONGO MAUMBI, has appealed to all of its customers, specifically large power users to optimize production schedules and to deploy alternative sources of energy, where available, to aid grid relief.

Mr MAUMBI says the corporation is doing the best it can to sustain power supply to critical loads to maintain essential services and ensure the continued operation of productive sectors.

He says as the network stabilizes, power will be gradually restored to other areas to avoid overloading the system.

ZESCO anticipated a significant power supply shortfall arising from among other factors the commencement of annual plant maintenance by Maamba Energy today, Tuesday, leading to the unavailability of 150 Megawatts on the national grid for the next 15 days.

The other factor is the power import route constraint on the Namibian route, which has resulted in ZESCO not being able to get about 100 Megawatts of its scheduled power imports.


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