Mainess Mumba

Lilayi Radio News caught up with the lady accused of bathing charms at the named Bankers’s residence whose story hit the headlines some few days ago we and got her to give her side of the story.

Ms. Mainess Mumba, a Lusaka business lady and entrepreneur owner of Mai’s collection explained to Lilayi Radio News that she met the Banker, Mr burton in September 2022 and he proposed to her. She adds that he was upfront to say he was not married but separated with the supposedly wife.

Ms Mumba recalled that one month into getting to know him, she still was not sure about his marrital status hence she didn’t accept his proposal as she was still trying to do her own due diligence about his status. It was around this same time that a woman claiming to be his wife (Hope) called Ms. Mumba using her “husband’s” phone and went on to introduce herself. Ms. Mumba adds that the two talked over it and immediately after, she blocked the man and wife and went on with my life.

In February 2023 Mr. Burton went to Ms. Mumba’s house in Obama with his wife around 05:00am and aggressively started banging on her door while son was preparing to go to school so he decided to open the door and was forcibly pushed out of the way as they entered the living room where the wife started assaulting Ms. Mumba a traumatizing scene for her little boys.
Ms. Mumba narrates that she asked what they came to do at her house and the wife responded that she wanted to be sure the accused Ms. Mumba was not dating her husband. At this time, neighbors came to rescue Ms. Mumba and over powered Hope taking her out of the house.

Ms. Mumba adds that that same day, she went to report the matter at Chelstone Police and a docket was filed against her and a medical report was signed and issued.

The following day, the Banker and his wife went back to Ms. Mumba’s house along with their Mother-in-law and Auntie to ask for forgiveness, and settled the matter. According to Ms. Mumba, Mr. Burton openly told his wife that he had never had any relationship with the accused. “At that point his wife went on begging that I should not further the matter to court and that she would pay me for whatever damages she caused me,” Ms. Mumba narrated adding that she accepted her apology but did not withdraw the court case because,”I had second thoughts she would come after me again.” she explained.

The accused went on to narrate that two weeks later, the wife bumped into her at a bus station and she started insulting and harassing her. “I did not respond and I decided to walk away from her till people came to my rescue and she got on a bus.” she explained. Ms. Mumba further narrated that a few days later she received a summon regarding a restraining order from local court and went on to appear in court and the judge restrained both parties.
The real twist of events unfolded on 20th March 2023 according to Ms.Mumba. she explains that on that night, she had an overnight at her church in Obama near Simbeye market and decided to call a named Alex who is her family friend, to walk her home as it was getting late and she did not wait for the over night to be done.

“Little did I know that Alex has been working with this woman to find out information about me if I’m seeing her husband” lamented Ms. Mumba.

“When Alex picked me up from church to walk me home he was on constant phone calls I couldn’t think otherwise because I trusted him as a brother but as we were walking in the early hours of 01am I saw three people coming out of an unfinished building on my left near Simbeye market I decided to tell Alex let’s run but Alex was so relaxed and before I could know it I was hit and these three people identified as Hope, Burton and the third person being Kennedy had bottles of Bols while Hope had a small knife which she almost stabbed me with, before I could know it they tore my shirt and my chitenge leaving me almost half naked in a bra less top and a biker short I wore inside my chitenge” Ms Mumba narrated.

She added that the three dragged her from Simbeye market to their house while beating her along the way. “I felt so defenseless and traumatized and in the process of them hitting me they kept saying I was bathing in charms. I was in shock because I was from a church overnight and to my surprise Alex did not come to my defense and he was conspiring with them”.

“They dragged me to their house made me kneel and started torturing me, taking videos of me forcing me to confess and in the act the husband entered the house brought out a cup with something and forced me to drink it and said if you’d drink what’s in this cup if you are a witch you’ll die” a weeping Ms. Mumba narrated adding that, “I forcibly refused the wife kept on making videos and as I was being tortured she went on saying she found me outside her gate bathing in charms in the videos she was taking of me meanwhile these people found me walking from church to home and dragged me to their home”.
“After they over powered me, Alex then started to beg them to let go of me, there wasn’t any junkies that beat me up it was them. When they were done beating me up they pushed me outside their gate and I begged Alex to take me to to my fathers house as he lived in the same area, Ms. Mumba added.

In the early morning around 8am, Ms. Mumba states that she tried to phone Alex but could not go through as his phone was out of reach. She further tried to check on him at his residence but was told he had packed his clothes and vannished. “Alex appears to be on the run,” she added.

In light of this turn out of events, Ms. Mumba decided to go alone to report the matter to Chelston police and explained what transpired to the police officers. She then proceeded to Chainda clinic where she was examined by the health practitioner. Her left eye bruised, left arm was fractured and her Cesarean operation was tempered with and bruises around her belly button she was treated.

Ms. Mumba concluded by narrating that the two were summoned and arrested, “and to my surprise all the videos they took of me in their phone were deleted while at the police station and I was told I did not have any evidence against them but the Deputy CIO took up the matter from the arresting officer and took it to magistrate court attached”

“Photos of the assault, medical report and the video they took of me when they were assaulting me in their yard are attached and the video was sent to me by Hope’s close friend whose name I’ll withhold”.

Lilayi Radio