Charles Tilyoda uploads ‘Adventures of Tilyoda…. F*ck1ng local Zambian lad1es’


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An unidentified man, calling himself Charles Tilyoda, alleged to be 26 has uploaded several vide0s on the internet captioned ‘Adventures of Tilyoda…. F*ck1ng local Zambian l@d1es’

Tilyoda is seen in the vide0s in what seems to be different rooms at l0dges on different unknown dates bang1ng a variety of nice l00king Lusaka ladies.

The man who is suspected to be a foreigner and in the business of s3lling p0rn vid3os might have filmed his s3x adventure last year after picking fr3sh bream and tilapya in different nightclubs after buying them Hunters Gold, Savannah or Flying Fish and sm0king a pot of Shisha.

The girls in the vid30s of varying body shapes, siz3s and complexion are yet to be identified but they are night club dw3llers obviously.