fake life leads Ivanka Bianca to court


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Depressed by her friends success the likes of mutale mwanza have managed to build flats and range Rover cars, social media upcoming artist Ivanka Bianca has been drugged to court for imposing herself on flats that are not hers.
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This happened last week after Ivanka Bianca posted photos of a standalone unfinished house claiming she’s the one that built and proceeded saying ‘IT CAN ONLY BE GOD’ in order to impress her followers and frustrate other hardworking youths but just a few minutes after her post a real estate company commented saying the house in question was for sale and Ivanka Bianca had not bought it and that they don’t even know her.

After social media backlash the real estate company has proceeded to sue Ivanka Bianca so that she can explain to the courts how she got hold of the Said house.

Ivanka Bianca has since deleted the post on her page and has asked the real estate company for forgiveness and that they should not sue her because she just wanted to show off and encourage her followers.

– Source; Richard Tembo -The Advocate