Father sue’s wrong man for daughter’s pregnancy


A FATHER of an 18-year old Grade 12 girl who was impregnated by her boyfriend was left bewildered after the court dismissed the case of damage.

Kedrick Muwowo had dragged Chanda Kamango in this case citing compensation for damage after his daughter was impregnated by the defendant.

The matter came up before Magistrate Harriet Mulenga in Matero Local Court.

Magistrate Mulenga asked Chanda if he was responsible for the pregnancy to which he accepted.

She then ordered the girl, Mary Muwowo, to stand before the court.

Magistrate Mulenga asked Mary if Chanda was her first boyfriend to which she answered in the negative.

When asked who her first boyfriend was, Mary mentioned the name Mathews Mulenga.

“How many times did you sleep with Mathews?” Magistrate Mulenga asked.

Mary responded that she could not remember but it was more than twice.

At this point, Magistrate Mulenga told the two parties that the claim of compensation for damage was not successful because Mathews was the one who damaged Mary and not Chanda.

The ruling shocked Muwowo because as far as he was concerned, Chanda had accepted the charge.

Magistrate Mulenga explained to Muwowo that the person to sue for damage was Mathews and not Chanda.

Zambia Daily Mail

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