Lady strips herself naked on live television to fight her in-law


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An angry Ghanaian woman lost it on live show as she started undressing herself to fight her in-law who was accusing her of cheating on her, now ex-husband.

According to the lady, after she was divorced by her husband, the lady started seeing someone else of which one night, her ex-husband paid her a visit.

Unfortunately, a sister to the new man saw the lady’s ex-husband sneaking into the house and reported her to her new man who decided to end things.

Taking the matter to a Television show to clear herself from the mess, the lady lost control as the in-law continued accusing her of bedding her ex-husband despite having someone new in her life.

Irritated with the behavior of the in-law, the lady started undressing herself getting ready to fight her, luckily she was stopped by the host and the show’s crew.