Lillian Mutambo apologizes to Pompi and Esther for mocking them over not having a child yet

Pompi and Esther

A few days ago Lillian Mutambo made a comment about Esther and pompi not having kids yet after their marriage which made a number of pompi and Esther funs angry , saying such a topic is sensitive and private.

upon seeing the negative reaction of the media towards her comment ,Lillian mutambo has decided to apologize to the couple saying

Dear Pompi and Esther Chungu a few days ago a comment was published on a post on Zambian Bulletin.

The comment was not meant in any way to harm your guys or hurt your feelings. It was posted then deleted however pages blew it out of proportion. It was not intended as mockery, I have always celebrated you guys from way back and I believe in Grace.

As a Christian, I know that God’s time is the best. My apologies to you and your family for any damage caused it was never intentional. We have never crossed paths, or had any issues and therefore, I have never had any hard feelings but always celebrate you.

One thing for sure is the enemy can use a simple comment to bring mockery and shame even when that is not even the intention.

Continue doing what you do, you inspire many and it is only fair we bring closure to this chapter. I am kindly asking that you find it in your heart to forgive me and we move forward. I have never in my entire life mocked anyone with no children that has never been my nature.

Bloggers are carriers of bad news to them anything that will give them likes and foĺlowers is what they will carry. The comment was never intented to reach you. To my fans and followers please forgive me, there was no intention to hurt this couple.

My encouragement to you is that when God is about to announce you the devil will use the silliest situation to provoke you. Who ever carried the news may think it was to trend but God is in the business to promote you and your ministry. I love you so much and never in anyway bare grudges and if at all you pass through London someday, feel free we meet up for coffee, I sincerly and honestly do not carry any hard feelings towards you.

You are our very own royalty covered by Grace, mulungu sama gona pali imwe daily, your songs are inspirational.

I will continue to celebrate you as I have always done, please find it in your heart to forgive me.

I Love you,

●Lily Mutamz Tv●