Murder-accused widow turns up at court dressed to kill


MURDER-ACCUSED Ministry of Finance assistant director Mildred Kasase who is said to have killed her husband turned up at the Lusaka High Court yesterday dressed to kill.

Looking all swanky, Kasase
appeared before judge Irene Mbewe for plea donning a royal blue skirt suit which she paired with a white blouse, black sheer pantyhose and black stilettos, complete with a wig to hide her natural hair.

It was as if she was attending the famous Lusaka July fashion parade.

The Ministry of Finance official is jointly charged with her 20-year-old son Alex Madiba Zulu for murder.

It is alleged that Kasase 48, connived with her son and murdered her spouse Alex Zulu on July 29, 2023 for delaying to bring back the family car which he had been using to run his business errands.

Allegations are that hell broke loose when Kasase asked her son to pick her up from her friend’s home where she had gone visiting but, Madiba indicated that the car was not available as his father was using it for his business errands and he had not returned home.

The maddened Kasase got on a taxi and went home as she waited to deal with her husband.

Immediately Zulu returned home, Kasase and her son allegedly ganged upon on him and used saucepans, cooking sticks, and a plunk to inflict pain on him in attempts to discipline him for returning home after his curfew.

Upon noticing that her husband was unconscious Kasase allegedly rushed to Facebook to mourn him over his untimely death.

“My husband, this has broken me. Chafina how, how…..My God why 😭😭😭 I am so lost for for words. How do i even mourn you! How will i live without you! Bashi Madiba this hurts so deep,” she posted.

Kasase’s Facebook posting made raised concern among Zulu’s relatives who asked the police to inquire into his death.

The body was exhumed for a thorough post-mortem examination, which was conducted at Zulu’s burial pit.

The findings unveiled a grim tale of suffering as the deceased sustained broken bones, fractured limbs, shattered ribs, and an agonizing array of bodily injuries as a result of the assault.

Kasase and her son pleaded not guilty to the charge.

Trial commences on April 18, 2024.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba April 9, 2024.