NAREP calls for issue – based politics


NAREP calls for issue – based politics

By Francis Chipalo

Opposition National Restoration Party – NAREP has called for the need to practice issue-based politics in the country.

And the opposition party says democracy can only flourish when citizens stand up and fight for it.

Party President Ezra Ngulube said in an interview that freedom of expression and democracy are fundamental rights and cornerstone of a healthy society.

He claimed Zambia faces challenges in protecting values which includes, political repression and suppression of the opposition, corruption, intimidation and harassment of activists among others.

“Zambia’s democracy and freedom of expression are constantly involving. It is crucial for citizens, civil society organizations and international partners to work together in order to protect and advance these fundamental rights,” Ngulube said.

Meanwhile, Ngulube said there is need to encourage public engagement and political participation in order to strengthen the country’s democracy.

He has however called for politics of substance in order to achieve this.

“Our party believes in issue – based politics which can add value to the nation,” he added.