Phone-soap scam leaves Nakonde boy in tears


After days of working hard to raise K1,005 for a mobile phone, today was going to be an exciting day for Friday Bwalya who went to buy Nakonde rice.

That was not going to be the case when “the devil” tempted him to buy his first smart phone from the streets.

He began by negotiating for the price of the phone to drop from K1,700, but the scammer was already enjoying his Friday night before Friday on a hot Tuesday afternoon at Nakonde Black Market.

The boy from Chiyanga was sure that he bought a real handset as he physically checked it out and saw all the cool apps that were installed.

But upon arriving at the garage where he works, boom!! Soap, properly shaped like the same phone he initially bought, was what he was holding.

Helpless and angry Friday has told Chete FM news he planned to use the phone for online business before this could happen.

He has vowed to teach the thief a lesson of his life.

“If it means going to a witch doctor to recover either the phone or the money, I will do that,” he says.

It’s not the first time this is happening, the last time we recorded a similar incident was in July this year.

Chete FM