Ruff Kid resolves to beg money to pay Lil Wayne for a song feature


Ruff Kid resolves to beg money to pay Lil Wayne for a song feature

Zambian music artist Ruff Kid continues to trend for his quest to feature US rapper Lil Wayne.

The artist recently made a post asking fans to help him raise money so that he can pay Lil Wayne for a feature.

In his post he wrote “Hello 👋

I’m asking for contributions I really wanna feature Lil Wayne the number is +260 97 9259484 Gabriel Kaoma”.

Some of his followers have urged him to continue with the spirit saying one day his dream will come true.

He is yet to announce how much he has made out of the money some people might have started sending him.

The controversial artist is best known to have left Zambia some years back and relocated to Malawi saying Zambia s rarely appreciate music.