Some lodges in Zambia secretly install hidden cameras in aircons and windows

Photo for illustration purpose. Image credit: ZOSI Blog

Some lodges in Zambia secretly install hidden cameras in aircons and windows

Our recent investigations have revealed that some lodges in Zambia are secretly installing hidden cameras in aircons and windows.

A recent visit to one of the Lodges which shall not be named for now found that there was a camera in the aircon. When contacted about it a receptionist who was on duty at that particular time referred all questions to the lodge manager who was out of office.

This is not the first time this is happening in Lusaka as in 2016 similar reports emerged. It is alleged some of these lodges target rich people whom they tend to blackmail at a later stage when they discover they had an encounter with unknown persons.

One of the workers at a named lodge in Lusaka told ZED GOSSIP staffer that the major reason of placing hidden cameras was to curd illicit activities which had become rampant in some of these lodges.

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