Women bites neighbour’s finger over shoes

Disclaimer: Picture used for illustration purpose.

FAILURE to control temper ended disastrous for a Mudzi woman who chewed the finger of her neighbor before poking her after accusing her of stealing her child’s shoes and hiding them in her room.

The matter came to light at Mutoko magistrate court on Friday where Tariro Katsande (27) pleaded guilty to an assault charge before magistrate Rumbidzayi Mhandu.

Katsande was sentenced to two months in jail wholly suspended on condition that she pays $21000 fine.

Prosecutor Chipo Munemero told the court that on February 18 Katsande approached Hazvinei Tsiga at Nyamapanda location where she was washing her clothes, Katsande demanded her child’s shoes which she claimed were in Tsiga’s room.

Tsiga denied the allegations leveled against her by Katsande, and Katsande became hostile before poking Tsiga and chewed her finger.

Tsiga cried for help while bleeding on the chewed finger, Katsande was restrained from further attacking the complainant by a passing by vendor Muchadura Thompson who advised Tsiga to report the matter to the police.

Source – Byo24News