Nevers Mumba appeals to government to help GBM travel to SA for medical treatment

Dr Nevers Mumba

In a heartfelt appeal, Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba has called on government authorities to facilitate the travel of Honourable Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) to South Africa for urgent medical treatment.

Dr. Mumba, who visited GBM in the hospital, revealed that GBM is in need of specialized medical care that is not available locally. Understanding the gravity of GBMā€™s condition, Dr. Mumba emphasized the importance of accessing the correct medical help in South Africa.

Expressing concern for his dear brotherā€™s health, Dr. Mumba urged the government to expedite the process of authorizing GBMā€™s travel to South Africa for the necessary treatment.

GBMā€™s health condition underscores the critical need for timely and appropriate medical intervention.Last evening, Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, paid a visit to GBM at Medland Hospital. He was accompanied Hon Brian Mundubile and Honorable Joe Malanji.
Earlier, GBM was visited by various people that included Dr. Fred Mā€™membe President of Socialist party, party Vice President Hon Given Lubinda, Hon Richard Musukwa, Hon Richard Kachingwe, former Republican Vice President, Dr Nevers Mumba and Hon Miles Sampa, MP

Lusaka Times