Zed farmer reveals she is battling depression as she turns 37

Maria Zaloumis

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She wrote…

Good morning my 5 am Millionaire Partners. Read this post and see how faithful God has been in my life.

Today marks a phenomenal day because this is the day I set foot on this earth.
God has carried me through all the pain, all the success, all the impact, all the financial issues, all the conflict and opposition I receive.

When I used to walk to school because my parents had no fuel Lord you were there
When I got expelled from secondary school Lord you were there hen I almost died in a plane crash Lord you were there and saved me.

When I was almost deported for bad grades in Australia you gave me a second chance
When I lost my son, suffered with depression in 2016 and almost committed suicide, Lord you were there

When I got my first divorce Lord you were there. When I started Tuzini farms, you promised to make me the biggest female commercial farmer in Zambia. Lord your word was true.

When people tried to ruin my reputation on social media, instead you took that situation and made me even greater!

When I left my latest husband and decided to preserve my life instead of getting abused and being called mad for taking antidepressants, Lord you were there, even when my own closest family never supported me, because they believed his lies, Lord you were there and made it possible.

When I got attacked by thieves just a few months ago, you protected me
God, you are dependable! God, you are faithful, God you have provided for me.
Thank you for your love.

Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives every single day!
Thank you Lord for true daily abundance!

My only prayer is for health, wealth, and happiness for me and everyone else who experiences me.

I pray for everyone reading this, that indeed God you grant them their hearts desires according to your plans and purpose for them.  I woke up at 4 am just to say thank you!
I am blessed!
It is my BIRTHDAY..
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