By Chali Laswel: Forget Red Flags!


Forget Red Flags!

The “Green Line Rule” can tell you a lot about any relationship through their photos.

The way a couple stands next to each other, especially when posing for pictures, is a prime indicator for their dynamic and exactly who is in charge.

Ladies, if your man is leaning in like in these photos, he does not pass the ‘green line’ rule, it’s time to consider and come to terms with the fact that you are not dating a solid!

The Green Line Rule is simple: the person who is standing straight is the one with the strength and power in the relationship. The one leaning is the one “entering the world” of the other.

When a man leans in, he reveals that he feels needy and lower value. He shows that he has a weak mindset, and feels dependent on her.

Real Men Don’t Lean In.

Now go and stalk all your friends pictures!