Dr Fred Mmembe

Socialist Party – SP President Fred M’membe says President Hakainde Hichilema has no solution for Barotseland. 

At a media briefing in Lusaka today, Dr. M’membe said the Head of State’s dishonest has has been exposed over Barotseland issue because he lied to people that cannot be lied to anymore. 

He said President Hichilema issued threats on Barotseland publicly but wants to apologize privately. 

Dr. M’membe said issues such as the Barotse one is emerging because Zambia has no direction especially that President Hakainde Hichilema has remained mute on the cost of living. 

He said the solution by the SP regarding the Barotseland issue is to democratize the Country fully because the current form of democracy has failed the people of Zambia due to a failed political order. 

Dr. M’membe said before colonization, people ruled themselves through traditional leadership because there were no politicians. 

“Currently, politicians have excluded Traditional Leaders and Spiritual Leaders. Politicians must share the power with Traditional Leaders and Spiritual Leaders because they are authentic leaders. Will localise governance,” he said. 

The SP President said England is not fully governed by politicians but a King, House of Lords, Church of England and the House of Commons in West Minister by Prime Minister.

Dr. M’membe said Spain, Denmark, Norway, Japan have elevated Traditional Leaders systems while Iran is also run by both political and religious leaders. 

“SP in government will localise leadership. Traditional leaders will run districts.Mining licenses will be issued by chiefs in districts as opposed to Lusaka. Provincial Council will be run by the most senior chief,” he said. 

Dr. M’membe said the SP in Government will abolish offices of District Commissioners and Provincial Ministers to allow chiefs to govern side by side with Councilors and Members of Parliament.  

“Each Province will have its own bank run by locals in that province. Fertilizer and oil will be procured by Provincial Administration. Within three years, Zambia will have millionaires in Provinces. People are loyal to those who are loyal to them. A leadership that is is running away from the people cannot be trusted to run,” he said. 

This is contained in a statement issued by SP Director Media Brian Hapunda.